The Silva Dance Company presents...
"Caminho: The Path"
Join the Silva Dance Company for an evening of spirited dance, featuring modern and Brazilian dance traditions! *Special performance by critically acclaimed dancer, Aubrey Lynch II.
Date: Saturday, March 2, 2013
Start Time: 7:00pm (Doors open at 6pm)
Location: The Harlem School of the Arts, 645 Saint Nicholas Avenue at 141st Street, New York, NY 10030
Ticket Price: $18 in advance, $20 at the door
About the Silva Dance Company
Founded by renowned dancers Leandro Santos Silva and Janete Silva, the Silva Dance Company provides a masterful look into the art of Brazilian Dance. Borrowing from capoeira and Afro-Brazilian dance traditions, as well as contemporary and modern techniques, the Silva Dance Company offers an evolution in dance - a fusion of distinctly beautiful and rich art cultures.